Millennial Falcon Media
Landing Site of the Millennial Falcon

My name is Gavin Shields. I am the creator of HeartShifting and Millennial Falcon Media is my (and Millennials as a generation) video, audio, multimedia production company.
I hail from the tri-cities of Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge, Ontario. Growing up, I was given the opportunity to be homeschooled along the Grand and Speed Rivers. After dabbling in high school, I moved up to Thunder Bay on the shores of Lake Superior with my family of origin in 2012. Recently, my wife, daughter and dog have set up our family home near Animikii-wajiw Thunder Mountain in 2020.
Education & Expereince
Lakehead University
Lakehead University
MEd - Education for Change (Specializing in Indigenous Education)
Key Courses: Indigenous Futurisms (Fall 2019); Arts-Integrated Research Approaches (Fall 2019); Indigenous Peace and Conflict (Winter 2020); Holistic and Contemplative Education (Winter 2020); ongoing thesis work on Reconciling Healing, From the Head to the Heart.
Accompanying Work Experience and Training:
Global Institute of Forest Therapy - Certified Guide
Keewaytinook Okimakarnak Tribal Council Media Contractor
Wilderness and Mental Health First Aid
Neuroshifting Training & Greatest Version Coaching
Lake Superior Living Labs Network Researcher
Soul-Centred Facilitation Formation
HBA - Indigenous Learning & Philosophy
Key Courses: Native Canadian World Views (Fall/Winter 2017); Life Writing (Winter 2017); Advance Creative Writing (Fall 2017); Indigenous People and Self-Determinism (Winter 2018); Indigenous Peoples & World (Fall/Winter 2018-19); Native Narratives, Myths, Legends and Ceremony (Fall/Winter 2016-17).
Accompanying Work Experience and Training:
Lac Seul & Slate Falls First Nation Video Documentary Filmmaker
Lakehead Labyrinth Project Researcher
Independent Video Contractor
Confederation College
Film Production Program before transferring to Lakehead
Key Courses: Documentary & Commercial Film (Winter 2013); Scriptwriting I & Scriptwriting II (Fall/Winter 2014-2015); Indigenous Identity & Relationship to the Land (Fall 2015); History of Aboriginal/Canadian Relations (Winter 2015).
Accompanying Work Experience and Training:
Wilderness Photographer
Out of the Box Productions Playwright
Riverbend Local Harvest Farm Hand